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Datatang offers top-tier, secure data solutions to various industries, delivers secure data solutions for industries, including automotive, finance, retail, manufacturing, and government sectors. We prioritize client satisfaction and maintain a high standard of data quality and security.

Discover our decade-long experience in training data services

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Why Datatang

One-stop Data Service

Datatang.ai provides comprehensive data annotation and collection services to help you succeed with your AI projects.

Data QA System

Datatang delivers high-quality data with intelligent self-inspection, multiple quality checks, and ISO9001 certification.

Rich Annotation tools

30 proven annotation tools for full coverage of voice, image video, 3D point cloud and text data annotation requirements.

Compliance & Security

We follows Personal Information Protection Act, GDPR, ISO27001/ISO27701 for security and regulatory compliance.

AI-assisted pre-recognition

With the help of AI-assisted pre-recognition function, human-computer interaction semi-automatic annotation is realized.